What Are The Benefits Of Roasted Chestnuts?

When you hear roasted chestnuts, you automatically think of Christmas, surrounded by family, roasting chestnuts on an open fire. But I bet you didn’t know about the incredible health benefits of chestnuts. They have been scientifically proven to improve blood sugar control, aid in heart health, and aid in weight loss. Amazing right?

Chestnuts are jam-packed with antioxidants, which are compounds that offer assistance in securing your cells against harm from unsteady atoms called free radicals. Some antioxidants include Vitamin C, Gallic acid, Tannins, and much more. Moreover, research has shown that the multiple antioxidants residing in chestnuts, aid in lowering the risk of heart disease and reducing insulin resistance.

Potassium is a prime part of maintaining healthy organs, it is necessary for your heart, kidneys, and other vital organs to operate normally. Not only do chestnuts carry lots of brilliant nutrients for your heart but also they are rich in potassium, providing upto 15% of the required daily intake.

Additionally, chestnuts are rich in fibre. Having fibre in your diet increases the size and weight of your stools as well as softening them. A bulky stool is less demanding to pass, diminishing chances of constipation. It helps with digestion while nourishing your intestine’s good bacteria, and helps with the reproduction of healthy short-chain fatty acids.

What Are The Benefits Of Roasted Chestnuts? - Prolongevity

Short-chain fatty acids offer numerous benefits: studies have shown that they aid in reducing inflammation, improve intestine wellbeing, and improve blood sugar control. Insoluble Fibre passes through the body mainly undigested, this means it does not add calories to your diet. So it contributes to the feeling of fullness, without adding calories. Hence it may offer assistance in weight management. What’s not to like?

Although chestnuts are considered higher in carbs than most of its family, chestnuts carry a variety of wholesome properties that may aid blood sugar control. Preserving a healthy bloody sugar level is critical if you have lifestyle-related diseases such as pre-diabetes or diabetes. The antioxidants within chestnuts (gallic acid and ellagic acid), not only work to regulate blood sugar levels, but it improve responsiveness to insulin. Despite the health benefits, consuming too many chestnuts too frequently may counteract the advantages.

Chestnuts can be eaten raw, or we can go classic and have our chestnuts roasting on an open fire (or the oven for ease) for 20-30 minutes at 200 Degrees Celsius. To prevent them from exploding while being cooked, be sure to puncture the skin of the nuts. They have a delightful, mildly sweet taste and are unimaginably flexible. You can incorporate them into a variety of dishes, such as stuffing’s, desserts, salads, soups, and much more.


What Are The Benefits Of Roasted Chestnuts?

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