Reset Your Health

Catherine Rogers is a mental health therapist who is passionate about how physical health can improve mental health. Her best-selling book, Gut Well Soon, explores this link and explains how by simply carefully choosing what you eat you can improve both your health and wellbeing.

Not satisfied with just words, and with help from nutritionists, doctors, dieticians and professional chefs, Catherine created Reset Your Health (RYH), an informative and individualised online recipe plan tailored to individual’s food preferences and health conditions.

RYH uses a detailed-ingredient based algorithm to provide recipes personalised to an individual’s dietary requirements, food preferences and health conditions which can help reverse health conditions caused by lifestyle.

Users simply input their eating preferences (i.e. vegetarian, lactose-free), medical information (i.e. hypertension, type 2 diabetes) and deficiencies (i.e. low in iron) and they are then given 4 weeks’ worth of recipes designed to improve both their physical and mental health.

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