Subway’s famous ‘bread’ isn’t actually bread, according to a recent court ruling

Many of us love to head over to the nearest Subway and grab a fresh sandwich with some of our most favoured fillings.

And with such an extensive variety of fillings on offer, many of us have our favourites whether or not it is the Meatball Mariana or the classic BLT.

However, it appears following a court ruling in Ireland found that the bread we know and love might not actually be bread after all!

Subway bread’s sugar content, which is five times the qualifying limit under the act, means that it falls outside Ireland’s legal definition of a staple food so VAT is chargeable!

The five-judge court ruled the bread has a sugar content of 10% of the weight of the flour included in the dough.

But under the act, the weight of ingredients such as sugar, fat and bread improver should not be more than 2% of the weight of flour in the dough.

I could have told the court about the sugar without any science, from the heady, sweet smell that emanates from the stores. Even if my nose didn’t do the detective work, I would have known because kids are obsessed with Subway, and whenever children develop a passion for anything unusual – Subway, sweet chilli sauce, katsu curry from a chain – it’s always because it contains a ton of sugar, sugar, sugar. Sugar crammed into every crevice!

So instead of taking your children to Subway for a treat, maybe consider taking them to the shops and cooking dinner as a family using wholesome ingredients.

Subway's Famous 'Bread' Isn't Actually Bread - Recent Court Ruling
Subway’s famous ‘bread’ isn’t actually bread, according to a recent court ruling

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