The Coronavirus Pandemic Makes Way For An Obesity Epidemic

It’s utter insanity that firms like Uber, Deliveroo and a whole host of restaurants have been encouraged to offer discounts if people agree to receive a Coronavirus jab. Offering fast food, that’s low in nutrients and has no benefit to our health, as a way to guide the country out of the biggest health emergency in a century, is at best ironic, at worst completely negligent.

Recently, we wrote a blog about Krispy Kreme doing something very similar. They were offering free doughnuts to those who get the vaccine.

Ultra-processed foods are consumed way too frequently because they are cheap, convenient and have a ludicrously long shelf life. Vast amounts of salt, sugar and notoriously unhealthy seek / vegetable oils are added to the food, damaging our body and our health when consumed. These foods decrease our ability to fight off infection and increase the risks of heart disease and the threat of type 2 diabetes. Offering these foods to encourage vaccination will inevitably end up increasing the risk of suffering the worst effects of COVID-19.

A stunning 63% of adults and 33% of children are overweight. As a nation we need to act.

Obesity crises
Junk food

And it’s not just the health cost: obesity related conditions cost the NHS an estimated £6.1bn per year and is projected to reach £9.7bn annually by 2050. To put that in context, the funding last year for the COVID pandemic was a “mere” £18bn.

Why does the government not only allow, but actually encourage, processed food companies to make a bad situation so much worse?

The very same Junk Food companies repeatedly lie to us purely for profit, just like the tobacco industry did half a century ago. Highly processed foods are never healthy but despite this toxic truth, the food industry’s cynical marketing ploy is to convince us otherwise.

Instead of getting young people to choose a healthier lifestyle, we encourage them to get addicted to junk food, endangering their physical and mental health while costing the NHS untold £££ billions.

We recommend avoiding foods with more than five ingredients on the label, eating a wide range of plants and cook from scratch whenever you can. A healthy, nutritious meal will leave you feeling fuller for longer compared with fast food.

Given what happened to Boris, it beggars belief that his government refuses to even see this as an issue. A change in diet could do so much good for people but with temptations in every direction there’s little chance of the majority of the UK population leading healthier lives.

ProLongevity is based on the premise “Live Healthy for Longer”. To find out more about ProLongevity and how we can support you, please contact us on 01727 834365 or visit: or WhatsApp: 07768 275802.

The Coronavirus Pandemic Makes Way For An Obesity Epidemic

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