Seven Keys To A Women’s Health

There are some fundamental differences between men and women when it comes to health. Culture, environment and lifestyle all are important factors but biological make-up has major impacts too. Enjoy this article as I go through the main issues that affect women’s health and what YOU can do to “Live Healthy for Longer”

Heart disease

The leading cause of death in women is heart disease. Symptoms can include chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness in arms, and even nausea or vomiting. These symptoms are often misdiagnosed and dismissed as “working too hard” or “having heartburn”

Menopause is associated with an increase in certain risk factors such as high blood pressure, unhealthy lipid profile often (incorrectly) called “High” cholesterol, as well as lower oestrogen.

Seven Keys To A Women's Health - Prolongevity

Heart attack symptoms in women

Although the most common heart attack symptoms in women are the same as in men, chest pain is not always severe or even the most noticeable symptom. Women often describe heart attack pain as pressure or tightness. It’s possible to have a heart attack without chest pain.

Women are more likely than men to have heart attack symptoms unrelated to chest pain, such as:

• Neck, jaw, shoulder, upper back or upper belly (abdomen) discomfort

• Shortness of breath

• Pain in one or both arms

• Nausea or vomiting

• Sweating

• Unusual fatigue

• Heartburn (indigestion)

These symptoms may be vague and therefore ignored by patients and physicians alike. Women tend to have symptoms more often when resting, or even when asleep. Emotional stress can play a role in triggering heart attack symptoms in women.

Because women’s heart attack symptoms can differ from men’s, women are correctly diagnosed less often with heart disease than men.

Read this blog for more on heart disease and how our program can reduce your risk.


Annually, 55,000 more women are affected by stroke than men. In part, this could be due to ‘Preeclampsia’, which is unusually high blood pressure during pregnancy. Women of colour are more at risk of developing preeclampsia as well as women who suffer from obesity.

We urge you to get a blood test to find out your blood glucose and lipid (cholesterol) levels, to determine your risk for stroke!

Obesity can be resolved with tailored dieting plans coupled with a bit of regular exercise. The ProLongevity programme can aid you in your weight-loss journey: We use the results of routine tests from your GP to help create a personalised plan to reduce your risk of life-limiting diseases. It can take just 8 short weeks to massively reduce your health risks

To find out how to regulate your blood sugar, click here!


If suffering from type 2 diabetes, the risk of heart disease is increased fourfold in women, as well as being more at risk of developing diabetes-related complications such as blindness, kidney disease and even depression.

At least 3 in 100 women suffer from ‘gestational diabetes’, in which blood sugar levels rise during pregnancy, causing other complications. Left unresolved, type2 diabetes will adversely affect maternal and foetal health, worsening the risks of birth defects and miscarriage.

Using your personal medical data, we apply science backed by world-renowned expertise to develop a precise nutritional plan. Personalised to your metabolism it avoids the dangerous blood sugar spikes that, in turn, trigger ever more insulin production from your pancreas.

We call it “Precision Nutrition.” The program also shows how to achieve profound health benefits from fasting. Learn more here!


Women in their reproductive years are commonly affected by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS can cause irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles, excessive male hormone (androgen) levels, and polycystic ovaries.

PCOS’s most common feature is when numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) form on the ovaries and fail to release eggs regularly.

Having persistently high insulin levels in the body, which is the hormone that controls sugar levels, is the primary cause. Increased insulin levels lead to increased testosterone levels. Being overweight is associated with PCOS, but it is not the cause. Once you understand that it is your raised insulin levels – raised in response to what you eat… you have the option to change your diet and reverse your PCOS !

If you combine early diagnosis, treatment, weight loss, and dietary changes you can reduce the risks of long-term complications such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

To find out more about PCOS and how our programme treats the symptoms please visit our blog about PCOS.

Maternal health

Two of the commonest health challenges that women experiences during pregnancy are iron-deficiency anaemia and high blood pressure. Women who suffer from diabetes or high blood pressure should manage these conditions carefully as it may make their pregnancy high risk for complications.

It is thus vitally important to ensure women are aware of optimal nutrition and exercise during pregnancy, to prevent complications.

Our Programme stops blood sugar spikes, reverses major health risks (like heart disease, hypertension and type2 diabetes) and help you sleep better with a personalised stress reduction, nutrition and exercise plan.


When menopause occurs, women cannot get pregnant naturally, and no periods cease. The usual age range of menopause arising is between 45 and 55 years old, which is when oestrogen levels decline.

Symptoms may include mood changes, hot flushes, and weakened bones. Regular exercise and good weight management can help women experiencing menopause manage their symptoms successfully. Eating a healthy diet and cutting down on alcohol and (of course) smoking all reduce the risk of developing major symptoms.

Interested in learning about the connection to a good diet, exercise and sleeping pattern? Watch this video with our founder, Graham Phillips!

How can ProLongevity help?

Do not underestimate the benefits of the healthy triad! Getting into the routine of eating well, exercising regularly and sleeping well can significantly extend your life, not to mention the multiple health benefits.

Preventing or reversing type2 diabetes entails complex changes across a range of factors like monitoring and analysis of visceral fat, blood sugar, the impact of dietary changes, stress management, blood pressure, coming off prescription medication and behavioural change (and much more).

By combining all of the above into a life-changing and in some cases, lifesaving 8-week program that ProLongevity has won awards in recognition of its status as a leading program for preventing/reversing Type2 diabetes. View our awards, here!

If this makes sense, why not avail yourself of our free (no obligation) assessment and judge for yourself if you are at risk of developing diabetes. If you need help reversing the disease, use this link for a free consultation.

ProLongevity: your route to a longer, healthier and richer life.

Seven Keys To A Women’s Health

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